Thursday, March 25, 2010

I’m loving him

Once I was turning over the pages of some journal, frankly speaking I don’t even remember its name, and I found interesting article about unusual and a bit freaky weddings, I must say. I mean not the wedding itself but the places where they took place. The next day or a couple of days later that I went to mcdonalds to have my morning cup of coffee and strange thoughts came to my mind or may be not so strange, as it turned out to be a bit later. I asked myself “are there people, who decided to get married in mcdonalds?” With this thought I came back to my place and turned on computer. I was checked for mcdonalds first, fond out some information and began to reflect upon the following thing “Why do people love mcdonalds?” It offers fast and cheap food. mcdonalds was the first to offer chicken nuggets that became a hit and some of its offers were a failure like the McLean, do you remember? What you can get at each mcdonalds depends on the owner of the franchise, but all mcdonalds offer burgers, chicken in nugget and sandwich form, fish, salads, pizza. They also offer a variety of desserts like cookies, pies and shakes. You can go to McDonalds and get a full course meal. Mcdonalds always tries to surprise us with something new. But on the other hand there are not only pros, everyone can find cons like food quality, health concerns, food taste. It tastes horrible but we are all different and our tastes differ, someone might like it. Burgers, fries and much of the menu is pretty unhealthy for many people, food has too many calories, fat and sodium, but mcdonalds still has lots of fans. And it’s all over, just take a look! These flashing spots are not lightning bugs these are mcdonalds restaurants. Can you believe that?
There are over 13,000 mcdonalds restaurants in the US, or about 1 for every 23,000 Americans.
But let’s turn to my first question, I nearly forgot about it. I found out that my question is not a question at all as THERE ARE LOTS OF PEOPLE who celebrated their wedding in mcdonalds. But why? Is it a call of fashion? I got to know that some of these odd fellows just met there at first and it became “their place”. He or she used to work there. “I am in love with a McDonald's girl, she has a smile of innocence, so tender and warm, I am in love with a mcdonalds girl, she is an angel in a polyester uniform.” Or just came for a snack. And now they cannot imagine a more romantic setting for their wedding. Also some couples just before getting married pop into mcdonalds for a Big Mac and then go to their wedding reception because they like fast food and cannot spend a day without it. I found one more not so romantic reason – economy! Instead of splashing out thousands the couple pays really small amount for the spread for 33 guests.
There are other stories about fast-food weddings and mcdonalds is not the only fast-food chain store entertaining wedding receptions. Some people find it sad but I think it’s better to have an inexpensive wedding and have a long and fruitful marriage.

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